about us & you!

Are you a reading glasses wearer already but never have them when you need them? That was our deal; we never had our readers when we needed them. Now we just put lookie lous® on our head in the morning and ta-da! We can read all day. Veterans of fashion and design, company founders Kelly and Kristie met 25 years ago while working in the Los Angeles garment district. Shortly after turning 40, they discovered that small print and misplaced reading glasses were becoming increasingly common nuisances for the both of them. Kelly remembered she had been wearing her daughter’s plastic hairband and kept mistaking it on her head for her readers… and the idea was born!

why lookielous®?

Best Selling Women's Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are designed to wear on your head, so a few things happen. First, you stretch the hinges so they no longer fit on your face. Typically they fall off your face and end up a little more broken or scratched. lookie lous® are designed to wear on your head and will not stretch out or fall off when you lean over. The next thing you will notice about wearing readers on your head is the little hinges grab your hair. It’s almost impossible to get them out without tearing a few hairs out. This is not cool. Keep your hair, get some lookielous®.

Flexin’ those arms

lookielous® are made to be flexible; it’s one of the great components of the unique design. It’s important to note that you must NOT flex or stretch the glasses from the front, nearest the lenses. This may cause your lookie lous® to break. Instead, stretch them from the outer arms at the end.